Welcome Classmates and Friends

...to the official MHS Class of 1964 Website.

Hello Fellow Classmates.

As the Covid-19 pandemic overtakes the country (the world), we turn inward to practice social distancing or self-isolation or self-quarantine, and our thoughts turn outward to friends and family—all the people we love and care about.  If there were ever a perfect time to take advantage of this website, I can’t think of a better one than now. 


On behalf of the committee, I want to express our concern for all of you.  We hope you are all safe and staying healthy.  If any of you or your loved ones has been affected by Covid, we send healing thoughts and prayers and love. 


Let’s make use of this MHS 64 website to keep in touch and let each other know how we are doing as we stay hunkered down through this twilight zone experience.


Please post a note on any of the message boards (Updates or Class News) on our site and tell us how you are negotiating the pandemic.  Any ideas about things one can do to pass the time more pleasantly?


Our best to all of you,

Lauren and the Reunion Committee


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Fax: (954) 241-5054
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