Missing Classmates
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Jeffrey Abbott     
John Alfinito
Lucy Allen     
Lindsey Anderson
Richard Arnold     
Jerry Beauchamp
Patricia Bergin     
Peter Betters
Kenneth Bingman     
Ronald Blasi
Jacqueline Bracken     
Thomas Brady
Christian Bramberger     
Louise Suzanne Bravin
Arthur Brown     
Renee Burbank (Johnson)
Paul Chudson     
Nancy Cohn
William Creeth     
Peter Dain
Richard DeCola     
John DeLitta
Joseph Dellaporta     
George DeMarco
Michael DeNicolo     
John Deuth
William Distler     
Michael Eigo
Kent Evans     
Lucy Falco (Iannello)
Daniel Fazio     
Walter Felice
Nancy Ferrier     
Monique Ferriere
Linda Fischer (Lee)     
Jerry Fitzpatrick
Barbara Fraioli (Macri)     
Joan Fraser
Charles Frigon     
Robert Funck
Johnathan Gainsbrugh     
Frank Gallello
Marie Galotta (Spruch)     
Barbara Garst
Georgia (Sue) Leeds (Doyle)     
Sue Ellen Golden (Jackson)
Helene Goldstein (Garmisa)     
Michael Gordon
Ronald Gramolini     
Paul Greenberg
Dennis Guariglia     
Mary Constance Hamell
James Hartley     
Paul Herz
James Hill     
Ellen Hofmann (Turnbull)
Betty Holland     
James Hollenbeck
Gary Holmes     
Anthony Iannuccillo
George D. Foster III     
Alfred Irons
Dr. Willliam Jens
Anna Marie Johnson     
Richard Joseph
Marie Jana Kallab (Whitaker)     
Richard Kapp
Irving Kelter     
Christopher Kenny
Jonathan King     
Jed Knighton
Gina Louise Kossuth (Bulen)     
Christine kracht (Wagner)
Christopher Leary     
Roslyn Leff
Peter Levit     
Joseph Lewis
W. Charles Lewis     
Nicolas Librandi
Robert Lloyd     
Louis (Bill) W. Bookheim
Joseph Luzzi     
Barbara Machne
Judith Mackenzie (Brock)     
Sharry MacKenzie
Nicoette Magee     
Thomas Martinez
John Mattson     
Robert McCann
Patricia Meagher     
Donald Moccia
John Moore     
Josephine Musacchio (Mecca)
Barry Newman     
Nicoette (Niki) Magee
William Oncken     
Thomas Pennucci
Dolores Piacente (Brigante)     
Edward Poccia
Salvatore Pollaro     
William Reck
Carroll Reid     
James Reid
Nancy Reiners (McBride)     
Katherine Rickert (Agathos)
Sherry Rigano (Schwitz)     
Kathy Roberts (Careddu)
Carl Robinson     
Irene Rosch (DiMaggio)
Marcy Rose     
Theodore Rosen
Antonia Salmere     
Cindy Schwartz (Johnson)
Rosemary Scott     
Barbara Serrecchio (Davide)
Joseph Sheridan     
Jeffrey Silver
F. Scott Silverman     
Carol Smith
Charles Smyth     
James Staropoli
Kenneth Stroud     
Paul Swartzbart
Elvira Temme     
Dwight Thomas
Carolyn Timberman     
Daniele Toseli
Clifford Trosterud     
John Tuck
Robert VanNaarden     
Richard Ventura
Mary Veres     
Robert Wade
James Wagner     
Madeline Waterhouse
(800) 965-9020
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